
Meditation #3 - Trump in Mar-Al-Kyffhaeuser

The Germans have that old legend of Emperor Barbarossa: He’s not dead, but sleeps in a hidden chamber underneath the Kyffhäuser hills, and “as in the similar legend of King Arthur, Barbarossa supposedly awaits his country’s hour of greatest need, when he will emerge once again from under the hill.”

I wonder if Trump, once power has transitioned to Biden, will continue to raise the rabble and cause further unrest with the far right or even white supremacists or terrorists. Or will he silently retreat to Mar Al Lago and be there as hopeful beacon for the right for when the need arises. When his hair has grown 3 times around his table, will he emerge again ?

Anyway, I recommend “Deutschland: Ein Wintermaerchen” as a historical refresher that still makes you laugh and think after all these years: German and English.

Written on November 8, 2020