
Moon Pointer Part One - Why Does One Need a Moon Pointer ?

For a long time, I wanted to build some toy that will essentially point at the moon.

Well, I also wanted this to be the precursor of a project to bounce radio of the moon and talk to other radio enthusiasts this way. But this involves, among other things:

This will all take time - more than I have right now.

But, the moon pointer I can do now – it’s relatively easy, requires not too many weird parts, yet the experience will be instructive.

We’ll learn

We will also gain some experience doing real world robotics stuff: the moon pointer could be running nonstop (on solar) unsupervised for a long time, so proper engineering discipline is required.

So the initial design for the MVP moon pointer is:

Here is an early prototype of my servos setup:

prototype servo setup

I’ll post occasional progress reports. Use the comments to ask questions or prod me. You can find the code at github: mooncalc, moontracker.

In part two, I’ll talk about how to get started with micropython on ESP32.

If you are impatient

please follow these instructions to build your own moon pointer:

  1. Build the hardware as described in part three.

  2. Set up your ESP32 environment as described in part two, especially install ampy.

  3. upload those libraries:

    1. tm1638 module on Github

      	  % ampy -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART put
    2. micropyGPS module on Github

      	  % ampy -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART put

    3. mooncalc module on Github

      	  % ampy -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART put

    4. moontracker mqodule on Github, install as

      	   % ampy -p /dev/tty.SLAB_USBtoUART put
  4. Plug in and bask, secure in the knowledge of where the moon is at any time.

Written on July 16, 2020